日本雅藝倶楽部を主宰する書道家、川邊りえこの活動や作品、子どもワークショップ、セミナー、日本文化交流など日本の伝統文化である書を紹介。書道教室も東京と京都で開催。Rieko Kawabe Calligraphy works

日本雅藝倶楽部を主宰する書道家、川邊りえこの活動や作品、子どもワークショップ、セミナー、日本文化交流など日本の伝統文化である書を紹介。書道教室も東京と京都で開催。Rieko Kawabe Calligraphy works

  • concept
  • Guimet Museum 2008
  • Maison CALAVAS 2008
  • MUSE NISECO 2015


In ancient times, written words in Japanese were thought to be more than just signs. The very act of writing carried a special meaning that was associated with ritual ceremony, and only certain special chosenpeople were allowed to perform writing.

People in antiquity believed that the written word contained powerful enegy, that is embodied the power of light, of the life-force and of soul healing prayer. They thought is was endowed with divine, with KO.TO.TA.MA. This power, they believed, that existed as well in numerology, and in music and dance forms had to be safeguarded through ritual ceremonies where written words were fashioned with great subtlety and beauty in ink.

"I unlock the power KO.TO.TA.MA, the anciebt source of the universe and Japanese tradition that dates back 2000 years."

------   Rieko Kawabe